he has warm hands

I'm in love with Shoon's hands. I truly am. They seem warm hands. I don't know if you can tell just from the look, but to me they look warm. And together with that air of inner peace Shoon has, if he was a character in a Dragonlance type of story I'm sure his hands would have healing powers. LOL

He's such a gentle guy. I found this pic at Moonlighboy.com (where else? Seriously, where does that girl get these pics from? *is jealous*) some time ago and everytime I look at it the first thing that comes to my mind is "this boy radiates peace". It's the look in his face, the way he holds that fan's hands in his. *is even more jealous*

And then there was that 2003 TV show episode in which they had to get an old lady to agree to be their fiance ( ... ^^U ) and the old lady who chose Shoon took his hand and patted it. *feels jealous yet again* She said that she chose him because he is tall and he seems like a good boy. I think she just didn't want to admit that she thought he was the cutest. LOL

I also edited the clip and uploaded it to YouTube for you to watch. ^___^
(video will be re-uploaded soon)

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